
Gregory S. Jewett Financial in Glendale, CA is a private Mortgage Brokerage in business for 28 years  providing  and arranging real estate loans. We focus on getting clients to successfully integrate the real estate loan they select into their overall long and short term financial and investment plans to help minimize taxes, improve cash flow and minimize expenses. We deliver expert advice and targeted real estate loan strategies to help clients build wealth. Each individual or investment entity has special needs which drive their financial decisions. Understanding these needs and special circumstances before recommending a specific real estate loan is extremely important. We call this advice based real estate lending solutions, which focuses on winning the client by delivering tangible value. All of our lending specialists are dedicated to finding the right loan – with the best rates, terms and costs – in order to meet the clients unique needs. Throughout the lending process, clients will continue to hear from us; with regular loan updates and progress reports. They will always know the status of their loan.



 NMLS Company ID: # 366772